Ten years ago, at Michigan State University, there lived several students that anonymously documented the deplorable conditions of the Shaw Hall bathrooms. The site gained fame throughout the university, and was even featured in the local news. It was rumored that students began shitting in urinals and destroying the bathrooms just as an attempt to make headlines on my site. My time at MSU came to an end, and an all out war between the students and janitorial staff was narrowly avoided.
Time went by. Life moves on. Some hall-mates moved away, some stayed in East Lansing. Some got married, others are still single.
Meanwhile the site sat stagnant.
A few times over the years I’ve been contacted by friends asking about the site. This was inspiring. After 10 years, I still enjoy bathroom humor more than anything in the world, and it was awesome to hear others my age did too. After re-claiming the domain name that lapsed in registration, I can finally say that WE’RE BACK! I am in the process of digging up the old files from the original site, but in the meantime things will be a little different. I no longer have a community bathroom, so you won’t find pictures of poop in a urinal (not in my house at least), but you will find plenty of other quality bathroom messes. This site will now serve as a tribute to days past, and act a repository for some of the nastiest things that occur in bathrooms.
A word of caution: You won’t be able to un-see some of the thing you see here. If you can’t handle a toilet full of bloody poop, or a video clip of someone spraying diarrhea into the air, I suggest you join the rest of the MSU alumni that actually grew up and go to CNN.com or something.
Enjoy your stay,
Still Anonymous – BathroomMess.com (Formerly MSU Bathroom Disasters)
4 Comments until now
Michigan sucks you should work and give your parents thier money back for sending you to such a faggot state shithead.
We want pictures of Fat Bastard!
Inquiring minds want to know…where are the bathroom disasters. Need my Shaw Hall nostalgia fix.
Where are the photos of destruction and poop?
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